Friday, April 4, 2008

You know what I wish

That somehow there was a magic screen where we could see everything that people write to us in a comment and then delete because they get self consicous and think its dumb.

Because this is what I usually do when I visit others blogs.

Read post. Laugh at something. Go to comment section to make a comment. Leave a comment like this

"that was effing funny. I rolled around on the floor and had to put myself in timout for being so loud. then I had to go clean myself up a little because I peed my pants."

then I read what I wrote and realize that this comment is for someone who I don't know very well yet and they don't have any clue of how crazy I am. (in other words They have not yet fallen in love with my quirky self and still have no idea that I'm the shiz) So then I delete comment and write something like this...

"lol! Have a great day"

So that's why I want that feature (to see what others write before they delete) because hey if I'm doing it... others have to be doing it to...



Rachel said...

I have to say that I completely agree. I usually comment conservatively, but most of the time I reread it (after it's published) and there is some huge typo!

Jessie said...

Hey...Great point!! I have deleted comments that I have wrote before because of the EXACT same thing. We must secretly be twins and got separated at birth (see..that is a weird thing to say) but I am leaving it on because who knows you might secretly have this device and will see what I write anyway, so there is no use in deleting it!! :)

also known as shell said...

Jessie I actually do have this device. I saw that you actually wrote

"Shellie you are the shiz."

and then you wrote

"I totally imagined you putting yourself in timeout and then I laughed so hard that I peed my pants imaginging that"

Thanks Jessie I'm glad I amuse you!

Austin said...
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Shan @ Design Gal said...

I did pee a little after reading that post!

Confession- I didn't really pee, but I do the exact same thing, because I know people are going to think, "Who the crap is this girl!?"

Seriously though, I really do laugh my butt off after reading your comments and posts! So I say, write it, click "publish your comment" as fast as you can, and live with no fear! Cause you are the SHIZ-NIT! Holla!

P.S. I Austin, I think anonymous comments are for weenies! Be brave and tell it how it is!

also known as shell said...
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Taylor Anne Vail said...

I really liked the first comment! I agree your freakin hysterical and the shiz, so I am looking forward to more random comments and hearing about all the moments you pee your pants!

Kate said...

I never do that.
Yes, I delete stuff all the time b/c I think it's inappropriate. I guess I save those comments for when I'm talking to you and I know no one else is listening that will be offended. Sad, but true. I'm a dork.

Austin said...

That's so true!

BTW great photos you had taken of your family!

Thanks for sending the tie coloring activity for the girls.

Leah said...

You can come leave "effing funny" and "clean up pee" comments on my blog anytime! ha ha ha! I think I'm gonna like it here...

Thanks for visiting my blog today. You saw with the spiderman post we might just have the same quirky minds... hee hee!

Jen said...

I would like that too. Why don't you get on inventing that. LOL
OH and yes crappiest of crappy moods is awesome. Only the cool peeps say it and if you don't say it you are not cool