Thursday, April 24, 2008

gut feeling

So Kelly asked me to 'splain how we almost got murdered in that antique/swap meet store in Savannah and while nothing really dangerous happened it mostly goes to our gut feeling.

We walked into the store. it smelled bad. it was dingy. there was old stuff everywhere. and one lone weirdo at the register. Lisa's gut feeling kicked in faster than mine... probably because she's pregnant and her maternal instict is very much in force right now. So Lisa stayed within 5 feet of the door at all times.

While I on the other hand got in closer and closer to lone weirdo. Besides the weird conversation lone weirdo and I had about the cookie jar nothing really happened. The other creepy creep who apparently owned the cookie jar (part of the weird conversation) came across the street from a bar to accept my check. But in my gut I started feeling like something bad is going to happen. So we high tailed it out of there.

As we were walking down the street Lisa says "They could have totally murdered us and no one would have ever found us" I was like "You're so right" and then I got the chills.

But it brings me to my point. SERIOUSLY I'm proud because sometimes I'm just so random.

When you have a gut feeling I think you should go with your gut feeling. I mean sometimes I don't because I'm like no I'm just so paranoid or I'm feeling this way because I watched to many episodes of Unsolved Mysteries when I was a kid. But for real I think your instict is like "Hello I'm trying to keep you alive... this is potentially dangerous... GET OUT of it!" Or "what you are witnessing doesn't feel right Say Something!"

My friend Tamara and I were talking about the missing hiker who was kidnapped and killed here in Georgia not far from us. Here's the thing: people called in immediatly with tips and they found the guy pretty quick. And why so many people called in was because they saw her and the guy talking and they felt like it was a creepy thing so it stuck out in their minds. I bet those people who witnessed her walking away feel really terrible they didn't do something. I mean their gut instict told them it was bad and thats why they remembered it. So tamara and I were like "it kindof teaches us a lesson" When we see something that makes us feel creepy or that something is not right we have to say something, get out of the situation, or never get into it when we see it might head there. Have to.


Lisa K said...

The point at which I thought I would be murdered is when I asked him if he had change for $100 bill. And I knew that was a dumb question to ask, but I couldn't think of any other way to help out with the payment situation!! They definitely perked up when they heard I had a $100 bill.

We were probably the only people that went into that antique shop all week, that's why I was convinced no one would have found us if we had been murdered there.

On a more positive note, I could have easily taken the nerdy owner and with your kickboxing skills, you could have taken the other guy. So maybe we would have been safe after all.