Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Year of a Million Dreams

We went to Magic Kingdom today and had an awesome time. We were ready to go by 8:30am! So again I don't have much time. I am so exhausted but in a good way. I rode splash mountain (it was chilly!) but since I didn't want to get wet I put my hood up on my sweatshirt and had my huge "Nicole Richie" sunglasses on. So the photo they took of us coming down I ended up looking like the unibomber.

I do have a new dream though and thats work as a disney princess.

What Disney Princess Are You?
You love you family (what's left) dearly, and you're a bookworm. Get your head into the world darlin'

Take the quiz!

The kids did great today and Dallen had a lot of fun in Tomorrowland. While we were in the bathroom today a little girl dressed up like Jasmine came in and Dallen and her just stood there smiling at each other. Dallen then started to do some karate stances and started singing "Transformers" theme song. It was so cute! What a sweet prince. He was totally trying to "woo" her. She gave him a little wave after he was done and he just stood there in his karate stance staring back at her until she left. Serioulsy more men need to do this. I know I would be totally won over!


LCFrohm said...

You are making me so excited for our trip to Disneyworld in June.
Once you're home. You'll have to give me all the dish on the places to go with kids.
Are you there with a big group? Where are ya'll staying?
Okay- too many questions. You don't have to answer them now. Just someday. ;)

Lisa K said...

A lot of the princesses are interns and don't get paid. I had a friend who was Cinderella one summer and she said it was a blast!

I'd want to be one of the bad characters, like Malificent, Evil Stepmother, Wicked Witch, etc. It seems more fun to act mean than nice all the time. Especially towards the bratty kids.

Lisa K said...

I'm Sleeping Beauty. I couldn't figure out how to put my name on your quiz thingy.

Lisa K said...

Now it showed up and I don't know why one says Belle. So confused!

When are you coming back?

This is my last comment, promise.

Leah said...

LOVE the karate moves bit! LOL! Must be a guy thing because Jared used to do that to the little girls in the class after his sister's at the dance studio. He flex his muscles and strike a pose and say "hi girls!". It never stopped being funny.... LOL!

PS I took the quiz and was Cinderella, but it isn't showing?

Glad you're having fun!

kristen said...

a stunt car driver princess...sounds cool!

Kate said...

Okay, so I took the quiz twice with the same answers except the hair....I first put medium brown and the quiz said I was Belle,and then I changed it to blonde b/c of my highlights...and I came out Ariel?? Didn't mean for it to post my name twice. Oh well...I love Belle and Ariel! Glad you're having so much fun. How in the world do you have the energy to blog????

Kate said...

PS--LOVED the Dallen story. How freakin' cute is that???

Downs Family said...

Shell I took your princess quiz and I got Ariel but I don't know how to add to your list sorry. Sounds like you are having a blast! Keep us all updated.

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

It sounds like you are having tons of fun! I want to go! I took your quiz and I'm Pocahontas?!? Loved your Dallen story!

also known as shell said...

oh and just so everyone knows I didn't make that quiz up. I just googled for a disney princess quiz and this is the result... just so you know... because the end question is retarded