Monday, March 31, 2008

Family Time is a Special Time

I know I know It's been awhile. My mother in law Sally and sister in law Lisa came into town. "Reunited and it felt so good" Seriously if I could meld my two worlds "Awesome Georgia Friends" and "Awesome Utah Family" I'd be really happy. I love being with my family. I eat so well when I'm around them. I use to think I was pretty awesome in the cooking department. I'm okay... but they are GOOD. I love learning new recipes from them because I realize that things I normally wouldn't try are very yummy and not that hard to prepare. Lisa and I discussed how we could see how polygamy works for the woman (at least in the kitchen) because Lisa loves to cook and I don't mind cleaning up.

Today Lisa and I are going to Savannah!!! We are going to go to the historical district, shop, visit Paula Deen's restaurant "Lady and Sons" and sleep in a hotel.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I can believable

When Chad and I signed up for telephone service we got a pretty Kick A phone number.Of course I can't post it but lets just say its catchy and easy. Well come to find out that it was a Tire Company's old number. boo. So now I get all sorts of fun calls asking for price checks on things. I am quite tempted to say stuff like "I'm new here and I shouldn't probably say anything... but the tires we use are from a junk yard" I don't have the guts though so I usually just say
"Sorry Wrong Number!"

Along with that we get telemarketing calls. I am not nice about it... I actually just hang up on them. "How Ruuuude" (Said like Stephanie Tanner from Full House)

But yesterday for some reason I talked to the telemarketer and here's how it all went down...

You Have to watch this clip before reading on. Because the guy in the clip and my telemarketer sounded exactly the same! They even might have been the same guy.
It was that identical.

Me: Hello?

Telemarketer: Is the Owner there?

Me: I'm the Owner.

Telemarketer: Hi I'm calling today to offer you a interest rate check.

Me: I'm not interested.

Telemarketer: No I'm not selling anything. This is a simple interest rate check to see if you are paying to high on your credit cards.

Me: That's okay I'm not interested.

Telemarketer: So you are okay with paying more in interest?

Me: Actually I have a pretty good rate.

Telemarketer: Really? What is it?

Me: 0%

Telemarketer: (disgusted) I don't believe you.

Me: I don't care if you don't believe me. It's true.

Telemarketer: I want you to fax it over to me and show me.

Me: I'm not going to fax over my statement to a stranger.

Telemarketer: No no you can cross out all your information
I don't need to see that. I want to see the 0%

Me: I'm not going to take the time or the effort to fax over a statement so a telemarketer will believe me.

Telemarketer: Click

Monday, March 24, 2008

You're Invited to Chad's Virtual Birthday Party

birthday cake
I made Chad's favorite Cake - "White Cake"
Chad's brother Joe ruined it --- all those years of being a germ phobic backfired!

Filled with a million dollars!

The Entertainment!!!


Chad was so excited to see his presents!

Happy Birthday to my Stud Muffin!

Don't send a lame eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Apology Letter

Dear Past Primary Presidencies,

Hi its me Sister Kendrick. I am writing to you to apologize today for any crap I gave you about my primary callings. I should have never complained that I was in for so long, that I had been with kids all week and Sunday was my day off, that the kids were too rowdy, that I needed a second teacher, that I missed Relief Society, etc. I should have prepared lessons better, played with kids in nursery instead of chatting it up with the other teachers, called subs way ahead of time... I am sooooo sorry. I would take it all back if I could. I am now realizing how hard your jobs were. I'm enjoying it don't get me wrong. I love having this calling because it has put so many things in perspective for me. I found this in an article today and it hit me like a ton of bricks -

“It is not where you serve but how” -President J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Amen to that.

Thank you for putting up with me and I'll try to make you proud,
Sister Shellie Kendrick

im sorry

Friday, March 21, 2008

my first guest blogger!!!

Hello! This is Lisa, Shellie's Sister-in-Law-Cousin-by-Marriage-Former-Roommate-BFF. If you didn't catch that, you'll have to ask Shellie about the title sometime. Like Shellie, I'm blog-obsessed and manage The New Adventures of Old Lisa and Recipe Hunter Lisa.

One of my favorite things in life are musicals. Whether it's live or on a movie, it just makes me so happy! I'm slowly converting Shellie over to loving them as well and I think it's been a success so far (Shellie is probably just being nice and actually stabs her voodoo doll of me after we part ways every time). One question I've always wondered is what would life be like if it truly was a musical. We could be walking down the street, the wind would blow our hair back, the music would cue and we'd break into song about whatever emotion we were feeling at the time. Well here's a funny glimpse of how people would react:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thats a Mormon Thing

Last night was bunko at my house and we had alot of fun. Most of the people were girls from our ward but there were some that Kate knew from a previous bunko group(?) as well. So when I answered the door and there was someone new I said "Hi I'm shellie... and she answered I'm Natalie" Then I kind of apologized for not knowing her since I'm new in the ward and she told me thats okay because she's not in our ward. For some reason I took it that she wasn't a member.

Then a little later Natalie was standing beside Kate and Kate said something like "She's not LDS" So I turned to Natalie and made a x with my fingers and said "Shun! Shun her!" Just to be funny. And everyone laughed. (But they were talking about another lady and I didn't know that.)

For the rest of the night I was totally turning to Natalie to help her out to understand what us Mormons were talking about. Like I'd say "Oh thats a mormon thing" and she'd just nod her head and look at me funny. Which I thought it was because she thought us mormons were kooky... but its really because she's mormon herself and I was acting like a dork.

Natalie complimented me on a tablecloth and I said "Oh I got that at ZCMI oh wait you don't know what ZCMI is... well it actually is now Meyer and Frank... oh wait now its Macy's"

I also told how I got something at the D.I. and she asked "Where's the D.I.?" and I explained that a D.I. is like a GoodWill but out in the west. She was like "Oh I know what the D.I. is I just wondering if you meant one was out here." I thought that was pretty cool that she knew what a D.I. was for her not being Mormon and all :)

I did eventually figure it out but that was after she had already left. So I'll have to tell her sorry for being a freak at the next bunko.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Web Picture Tag

I thought this was a fun idea!
I got tagged by Kristen! Here are the rules: Use only pictures from a Google image search. (don't cheat and use any of your own, or ones on your computer!)

Favorite Color: Red

This is a Red Gerber Daisy which is one of my favorite flowers as well

Favorite Animal: Maltese Puppy

I love puppies! And as soon as we have enough money to fence in our yard we'll get a dog. I am pretty sure I'll get a maltese because I loved our dog Jocco who was Maltese when I was a kid. And I'd name him Jocco Jr.

Bad Habit: Interupting People
This is such a bad habit! I hate doing it... yet at the same time I can't help myself. Its just one of those adorable traits that you all love about me I'm sure :)

Favorite Food: Fettucine Alfredo
Yummy! I love it. Love it. Want to marry it. Yum! My favorite version is from Pizza Factory in Provo Utah.

Favorite Hobby: Going to Movies

This really isn't a hobby. But it is something I like very much. I don't really have a true hobby. I mean I'm okay at scrapbooking, okay at cooking, okay at stamp collecting (just kidding I don't do that) I also love to read.

Favorite Song:
That's a toughie. I have tons of favorite songs. I'll just go with the one I have at the moment. With You by Chris Brown. "I need you boo"

Favorite Author: John Grisham

I have read most of his books and have loved most of them. I had no idea thats what he looked like. Good to know.

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Cake

My favorite is actually a Cake that Britta introduced me to from Black Angus. Its warm and chocolatey and served with ice cream. Sooo Good!

Picture of Me:

These are creepy. I would never want to get this award. It would probably come alive at night and kill me.

Tagging: Grandma and Grandpa, Jessie, Stephanie, Marianne,

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Boozin it up

Have you ever had a cringe moment? The moment when looking back no matter how many years go by makes you violently cringe just at the thought. I have many many many cringe moments. Some of them include the first dance Chad and I had at our reception (to this day I can't even watch our reception part of the wedding video) And that is all due to the fact that Chad and I were soooo in love... you wouldn't have been able to pry us apart with a crow bar. And we whispered in each other ears, oh and caressed each others faces... barf

So to my family and friends present at that moment. I'm sorry!

But the cringe moment I'm actually going to post about is

My Boozin it Up Prom Picture.

When I was a senior in high school I dated exclusively a kid named Steve. We were going on like 3 years but he had graduated HS the year before. Sharla's parents had told us that since Steve and Evan already graduated we couldn't go to any HS dances with them.

So we went with other guy friends. They asked us... we asked them... And in total Idaho/Utah/Mormon fashion you had to make a big deal with the asking part. So I asked this guy Nate Brown to a dance with some sort of dump truck with attached poem. I can't remember what I said in it but I'm praying that it had nothing to do with taking a dump if he didn't go with me to the dance :)... and if I'm not mistaken I think this was his first dance date. So we go and have a good time. Then comes picture time. Now for some reason the photo set included empty champaign bottles. Which looking back is really weird for a high school dance. So everyone has to come up with some pose and at the last minute I grab a bottle, and put it to my lips. Well that doesn't sound too bad... but then the pictures came back and I was horrifed.

Not only did I have a booze bottle to my lips, but my eyes are half closed and dazed, my mouth was hanging open, and I for some reason had stuck out my stomach. Nate was standing beside me with a sweet but "this girl is crazy" look on his face. I did not want to give them to Nate. In fact I think I held onto his pictures for quite some time but I finally gave them to him. I cringe for two reasons... one for the actual picture. The second for what I imagine what his mother's face looked like when she saw the picture.

And for that: Nate and Nate's mom... I'm Sorry!
Drunk Homer

Easter Bunny

What part of a chocolate Easter Bunny do you eat first? It might tell you a little about yourself... Click Here to take the test!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My babies are growing up :(


Age 4 Months

AGE 18 months going on 18! (Giving major attitude in this shot)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 2007

A Great Picture of Chad and I one year ago this month.

Chad is quite proud of this picture. It looks like an exact reproduction of his drivers license.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Kate = Bonecrusher

I'm painting Kates room so I put her pack in play in with Dallen so she won't get high while she's sleeping. So last night I put them to bed at the same time. They were both really quiet while I said good night and turned out the light. After I shut the door this is what I heard.

Dallen: Kate?

Dallen: Kate? Is that you in there?

Dallen: Kate? Kate? Are you asleep?

(sound of Kate getting excited and kicking her legs)

Dallen: You're my little transformer baby aren't you?

Kate: Baby!

Dallen: You're my little Bonecrusher aren't you!

(Bonecrusher is a transformer)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Derek Cate

So I was searching you tube today for a song and found this dude. He's so amazing! I think this week will be Derek Cate week on my blog :) I'll be posting a few youtube videos of his for your enjoyment... but mostly for mine:)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Just a cool pic for Chad


Meet the newest member of our family! Lilly

He is a Webkin. His name is Optimus Prime. He joined our family during Christmas time and we never played with him or entered his code that he comes with to play online at Webkinz{dot}com. Last week I found him in Dallen's room and decided to give it a try. Its so much fun. Even for me. Don't tell anyone but I log into dallen's account and play a couple of games at night.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Update: When you click on the link SCROLL up to the top before you start reading.

I found this great blog off of my friend allee's blog. You have to read this post! And if you email the link to 10 of your closest friends in 10 minutes after reading it a leprachaun will give you a gold coin!

By the way the Title means

You will Roll on the floor laughing. And Cry. And Pee Yourself.
(just a little bit)

I've always wanted to do THIS!

Sunday, March 2, 2008



You know how in car commercials when the car is doing amazing things like spin outs in dirt or braking for a deer in the pouring rain how they always have in the fine print at the bottom of the screen it reads
"Professional Driver on Closed Course"

So watching a cheetos commercial tonight (A girl who is annoyed by a snoring airplane passenger shoves two cheetos up his nose) Chad and I busted up laughing when we saw this fine print
"Stunt nose on closed set" Ha Ha Ha. How lame!