Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thats a Mormon Thing

Last night was bunko at my house and we had alot of fun. Most of the people were girls from our ward but there were some that Kate knew from a previous bunko group(?) as well. So when I answered the door and there was someone new I said "Hi I'm shellie... and she answered I'm Natalie" Then I kind of apologized for not knowing her since I'm new in the ward and she told me thats okay because she's not in our ward. For some reason I took it that she wasn't a member.

Then a little later Natalie was standing beside Kate and Kate said something like "She's not LDS" So I turned to Natalie and made a x with my fingers and said "Shun! Shun her!" Just to be funny. And everyone laughed. (But they were talking about another lady and I didn't know that.)

For the rest of the night I was totally turning to Natalie to help her out to understand what us Mormons were talking about. Like I'd say "Oh thats a mormon thing" and she'd just nod her head and look at me funny. Which I thought it was because she thought us mormons were kooky... but its really because she's mormon herself and I was acting like a dork.

Natalie complimented me on a tablecloth and I said "Oh I got that at ZCMI oh wait you don't know what ZCMI is... well it actually is now Meyer and Frank... oh wait now its Macy's"

I also told how I got something at the D.I. and she asked "Where's the D.I.?" and I explained that a D.I. is like a GoodWill but out in the west. She was like "Oh I know what the D.I. is I just wondering if you meant one was out here." I thought that was pretty cool that she knew what a D.I. was for her not being Mormon and all :)

I did eventually figure it out but that was after she had already left. So I'll have to tell her sorry for being a freak at the next bunko.


Taylor Anne Vail said...

wow. sadly enough I can relate!

Rachel said...

I thought that the entire night was hilarious! I don't think Natalie thought that much about it, she's Mormon and so I bet she does stuff like that too!

Natalie said...

I totally didn't notice!! I'm cracking up while reading this cuz you were feeling bad for no reason. So, good job on not treating people different if they aren't LDS cuz I felt very welcome. It's also funny to think about...I've been a member all my life so I wonder what Non-Mormon Natalie would be like. hmmm... I had such a great time and really liked you especially. You remind me a lot of my friend, Erin, (whose not a member, btw) who wants to sign up as a sub so maybe you'll meet her someday. (Then you can do that thing where you meet people who they say are just like you and you think, "hmm...I don't see it.") lol Anyway, I think you're great! Awww...

Natalie said...

btw, my email is if you want to email me, I can send you a blog invite. (I had to go private after my sister's blog had a creepy visitor!)

Shan @ Design Gal said...

I read Lisa K's blog and since she was a guest blogger I read her post on your blog! That last post was hilarious- totally something I would do!
Anyway, I just had to tell you that! And great blog!

Kate said...

You are so funny. honestly...I don't think Andrea even knows that all of us are Mormon. I'll have to fill her in.

Downs Family said...

Shell-you need to write a book someday like Chicken Soup for the Soul, but Shellie's Funny Stories. It could seriously be a best seller because I LOVE your stories. The other day I found an old notebook from college and in it was "notes to self" written by Melissa and Shellie. I was laughing so hard I was crying. I Love you Shell!!