Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I can believable

When Chad and I signed up for telephone service we got a pretty Kick A phone number.Of course I can't post it but lets just say its catchy and easy. Well come to find out that it was a Tire Company's old number. boo. So now I get all sorts of fun calls asking for price checks on things. I am quite tempted to say stuff like "I'm new here and I shouldn't probably say anything... but the tires we use are from a junk yard" I don't have the guts though so I usually just say
"Sorry Wrong Number!"

Along with that we get telemarketing calls. I am not nice about it... I actually just hang up on them. "How Ruuuude" (Said like Stephanie Tanner from Full House)

But yesterday for some reason I talked to the telemarketer and here's how it all went down...

You Have to watch this clip before reading on. Because the guy in the clip and my telemarketer sounded exactly the same! They even might have been the same guy.
It was that identical.

Me: Hello?

Telemarketer: Is the Owner there?

Me: I'm the Owner.

Telemarketer: Hi I'm calling today to offer you a interest rate check.

Me: I'm not interested.

Telemarketer: No I'm not selling anything. This is a simple interest rate check to see if you are paying to high on your credit cards.

Me: That's okay I'm not interested.

Telemarketer: So you are okay with paying more in interest?

Me: Actually I have a pretty good rate.

Telemarketer: Really? What is it?

Me: 0%

Telemarketer: (disgusted) I don't believe you.

Me: I don't care if you don't believe me. It's true.

Telemarketer: I want you to fax it over to me and show me.

Me: I'm not going to fax over my statement to a stranger.

Telemarketer: No no you can cross out all your information
I don't need to see that. I want to see the 0%

Me: I'm not going to take the time or the effort to fax over a statement so a telemarketer will believe me.

Telemarketer: Click


Lisa K said...

I get a lot of telemarketers at work and I usually just say "not interested!" and hang up. Well yesterday this lady kept calling me back after I'd hang up on her and tell me we accidentally got disconnected. I was like, no, we purposely got disconnected so quit calling me. The she'd call the receptionist and yell at her on my behalf. I love it!

Chad said...

Little Girr, Little Girr, Little Girr.

Jessie said...

I hate telemarkerters but I try to be nice b/c just like everyone else they have a job to do....but that reminds me when we were living in Alabama our phone number was one digit off of a Pizza Place and you would be suprised how many phone calls we got and it would make Nick so mad that he would actually take people's order!!! ha ha....

Austin said...

That was awesome. You really CAN believable.

aaron and allee said...

He was probably thinking, "You can't possibly have a 0% interest rate because the future is gonna cost more money."

Shan @ Design Gal said...

This should be a SNL skit!

Taylor Anne Vail said...

wow shell...you didn't want to give out all of your personal info over a fax?...what a new concept for them!

aaron and allee said...

I thought that was Chris Kattan at first.

The Hokanson Family said...

HOW ANNOYING! I love your blog Shell.

Unknown said...

I found you off of LDS Women Bloggers and what a great site! But I can't believe you kept talking even that long. My brother has made it his life's mission to torment telemarketers by always trying to sell them something....

Rachel said...

That is hilarious!

Emily said...

That is really funny...you actually made a telemarketer hang up on YOU. That's why we canceled our home phone and only use cell phones.

Oh, you can find that stat counter at statcounter.com...love it!

Natalie said...

You are the funniest person I've ever met! I'm so glad I never had to be a telemarketer. I was in Customer Service once for a credit card place and a guy put down the phone once in the middle of our conversation, I heard a gunshot, and he came back all excited about killing an armidillo that had been terrorizing his garden. He then proceeded to tell me how to skin it and use the shells for a bowl. I pictured the old guy from the Beverly Hillbillies show. hee hee

kristen said...

I really want to know what your catchy phone number is now!

Taylor Anne Vail said...

i know you lead an exciting life...time for a new post my dear. I want to hear the randomness...I am going through withdrawls!