Saturday, March 22, 2008

Apology Letter

Dear Past Primary Presidencies,

Hi its me Sister Kendrick. I am writing to you to apologize today for any crap I gave you about my primary callings. I should have never complained that I was in for so long, that I had been with kids all week and Sunday was my day off, that the kids were too rowdy, that I needed a second teacher, that I missed Relief Society, etc. I should have prepared lessons better, played with kids in nursery instead of chatting it up with the other teachers, called subs way ahead of time... I am sooooo sorry. I would take it all back if I could. I am now realizing how hard your jobs were. I'm enjoying it don't get me wrong. I love having this calling because it has put so many things in perspective for me. I found this in an article today and it hit me like a ton of bricks -

“It is not where you serve but how” -President J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Amen to that.

Thank you for putting up with me and I'll try to make you proud,
Sister Shellie Kendrick

im sorry


Jeff said...

If you join the Church of Jeff, you will never have to tend other peoples' snotty-nosed children.

bv said...

Shell, You really are precious.

Chad said...

The Church of Jeff sounds cool.

Lisa K said...

Chad, Joe was Jeff's first member. He loves it. They watch Battlestar Gallactica and the History Channel a lot during Sunday School.