Saturday, April 12, 2008


I bet you guys didn't know that I'm pretty much obsessed with Jewel. But I am. I have been so since 1996 when her first cd Pieces of You came out. I think she's amazing. It's one of my life dreams to learn how to play guitar. and the first songs I'd like to learn are from that first album.

While going through some old journals the other night I came across Jewel's book of poems. My boyfriend at the time who knew I was obsessed with her gave it to me and I loved it. I think she got a really bad rap for it in the media but I thought it was pretty good. So while reading it the other night I came across a poem that I had written in the margins. just so you know I was pretty dramatic in high school. and keep in mind I was 16 when I wrote this :)

Please come find me
and wrap me in your arms
its been too long feeling this lonliness
to ever feel good about
what the future might bring.

that should be on some tshirt at a Lilith Fair booth right?

p.s. I don't take myself that seriously and if you want to tease me you can cause I think my dramatic teen years are funny.

p.p.s - but I reserve the right if I see any "you're weird" or "that was dumb" kind of comments to scratch your eyes out


Rachel said...

Shellie, I never knew . . .I think you should start writing again and submit some lyrics to Jewel, you never know! (he! he!)

Lisa K said...

I like how you defined your dramatic years to just those in high school. Awwww, snap!

Every time I hear a Jewel a song I always think of you. Even her new country song. I think of you on a farm.

also known as shell said...

okay it's true I'm still very dramatic... but I really do try to keep it under wraps.

Jen said...

You are a much better writer than me. I stick to Hiakus about laundry and dr. pepper.

Leah said...

aren't all teenagers dramatic? I never wrote much of my thoughts about it, because I was afraid it would seem more of a reality or a self-fulfilling profecy or something... LOL!

Beeswax said...

I heart Jewel, too. (But not so much lately with all the pop stuff and then the country.) I have even indoctrinated my 7 year old daughter who asked me if I thought Jewel needed any help on tour. No Hannah Montana for her! Many jewel songs are pretty easy on the gee-tar. You should try it out. Very cathartic.

PS I wrote copy-cat jewel songs in my 20s that sound a bit like your poetry. Just 4 chords and some serious romantic pining!

The text size is one of the options to the left of the bold or italics when you are writing the post, on the bar right above the text box. Either my computers or blogger is squirrely right now, and I can't get them to come up.

Jen said...

LOL Shell...Baking and then running the miles with us while we burn off the excess calories

Our Family said...

I also love Jewel, and thought that I could sing like her until I tried singing "foolish games" kariokie (spelling??) on a cruise, alone, in front of many friends and family, and now I know that I really suck!!! but I still lover her!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

So...does this count as your embarrassing journal entry? If it does, you're totally in the running! :)

Kate said...

I thought you said no one commented on your poem. I thought it was great! I'd post mine from college but there were all angry girl poems..I think i listened to too much Alanis Morrisett back in the day! ha ha! I love Jewel too. Did you know she was baptized LDS when she was 8? I learned that on VH1's pop-up video years ago. Aren't you glad I told you that useless info??

Taylor Anne Vail said...

Funny. Our house is full of Jewel lovers. Adam served his mission in Alaska, which is where she is from and so he wil tell me off the wall random stuff about her. Like her grandma loves to feed the elders and in her house growing up in her dads house the floor was all dirt except for her room and it had white carpet in joke. What is wrong with us! Anything/one from Alaska and it's a hit in our home....YES we are dorks!