Friday, February 15, 2008

Mom Mode

Poor little Dallen was sick today. Thank goodness the spirit prompted Tamarama to come over to pick up Kate this morning. 5 minutes after getting here, 3 minutes into deep conversation about Ekhart Tolle's new book I got a phone call from Dallen's school that he had a temp of 103. If Tamarama wasn't there Chad would have had to take the rest of the day off and drive 45 minutes to get Dallen. So we zipped off to get Dallen. I walked in and saw Dallen laying on a little cot shivering like there was no tomorrow. Now if that image doesn't make your eyes well up with tears you may need therapy. I scooped him up in my arms (Oh my gosh I forget that he's 5!) and struggled to the door. By the way I know it looks weird to hold a 5 year old like a baby, but I swear if I got one more weird look I would have punched someone in the face.

After taking Dallen to the Dr's to get checked out and the Dr swabbed for strep. "He attacked my throat mom" :) We went off to Target to get his prescription. Since we had to wait 20 minutes for the meds I thought it would be fun for Dallen to look at the Transformers. As we made our way down a toy aisle Dallen said "Mom I feel sick" and started throwing up. My mom instinct immediatly responded by catching it in my hands. Another lady down the aisle went into mom mode and whipped out a handkerchief which he then threw up into, at the same time another lady who came from no where pulled wipes from her purse and gave them to us and then went to flag a target crew member down. Man was I grateful. The mess was kept to a minumin and after a trip to the bathroom we were as good as new.

Thanks ladies!


Benson Fam said...

We were going to call to see if you wanted to go to the park today but Carter wasn't feeling so hot either. I get dirty looks for carrying my 42 pound toddler around while almost 7 months pregnant (and because the kiddo still uses a paci)- I'm becoming immune to judgemental strangers! More power to you, hope your little dude feels better by sunday because I've never met him or your husband and I want to!

LCFrohm said...

So are you reading the Oprah book?
I have it, and have read a bit of it. But it's hard with two boys and taking the time to get my mind ready. The only part I did read was while taking a hot bath, while my boys destroyed my mom's back yard. Oh well! It was fixable-- destroyed is her word.
And I love it so far. I really hope I'm one of the "ready" people and I don't just waste my time on the book.
Are you going to sign up for the class?? If my mom had a computer with speakers, then maybe I would. Plus I have to finish it...details details!
Oh- and sorry your big guy was sick. That sucks! But THANK HEAVEN for other moms who have been there-- done that! Lifesavers!!

Emily said...

Hey. Thanks for thinking I'm funny. My husband is somewhere rolling his eyes.

If it makes you feel any better, my son once threw up all over the table at a Mexican food restaurant. We put 30 bucks on the table and got up and left.

Taylor Anne Vail said...

It's funny how fast we jump right into mom mode! Thank heaven for the unspoken bond between mothers~

Taylor Anne Vail said...

p.s. do you have a closed book club or is it open to new members? It looks like so much fun! I would love to join!

Kate said...

Oh no! I'm totally there with cradling my 3 year old who looks like she's 5. Those people giving you strange looks must be big losers! I'll cradle her like that when she's 15 if she's that sick and will let me, by golly!!!

Jessie said...

I am so sorry to hear that Dallen is sick. I hope that he is feeling better!!! I have never had that happend to me yet. But hopefully when it does I will have nice people around me to help out!!!