Monday, January 14, 2008

Trying to be cool

We really like our new ward. We had a great time yesterday and I managed to pull off looking somewhat cool. As some may know I manage to say the most embarrassing comments in church (in general actually)


R.S. President "Sisters, what are some of you greatest fears?"

my hand immediately shoots up

"Getting raped and murdered"

R.S. President "Hmmmm... yes... anyone else"

Other sisters
"Children going on a wrong path"
"Not making it to celestial kingdom"

Or the time in Webb Bridge ward when while talking about marriage I tell this experience.

"My husband loves computer games and has been a really sore spot in our marriage, but recently instead of giving him grief about playing I asked if I could join him and play with him. This was a really hard thing for me to do because I have given him such a hard time and I hate computer games especially fantasy ones but we had alot of fun and then after a couple of hours I went to bed. He then turned off the computer and came to bed"


Then I realized what that sounded like and I just wanted to say "Nooo not that... thats not what I meant! What I was meaning by the last sentence was that he came to bed to sleep!" My face was so red.

So usually every Sunday church goes something like this...

R.S. Teacher "Would anyone like to share an experience they've had about this topic"

Shellie "I am just going to raise my hand and say anything that comes out... it probably will have nothing to do with what you're saying... sorry... lets see how you can recover and bring it back to the subject" Smile :)

The way I feel in church would best be summed up by a line from Juno:

Juno: You're like... the coolest person I've ever met and you don't even have to try.

Paulie: I try really hard actually


Austin said...

Cute story Shellie. There's no Postum in our area. But that gives me an idea. There's this stuff from Chile called Ecco and it's available at the Chilean store, maybe I'll put it up!

I think there's a difference between "Trying to be cool" and "Trying to NOT be UNcool."

Nobody likes to be lame. Maybe that's why actually being lame has such a bad reputation? :)

bv said...

I will give you a ring tomorrow chicken butt! I so miss being in the same Ward!!

You really are the coolest!!

Lisa K said...

There's a term for what you just described and it's called "verbal diarrhea".

Downs Family said...

I know that if I need a laugh I can always check Shellie's blog. You always have the funniest stories!! Someday you should write a book about all of your stories like a Chicken Soup for Shellie's friends! Have fun and keep the stories coming. Love ya Shell!

kristen said...

hi! i came across your blog from a link from lisa's (i'm an old roommate of hers) and just wanted to tell you that your stories are totally funny and i was laughing so hard! i needed a laugh today, so thanks!
ps-what is farkle sparkle snarful??

Jeff said...

Hahaha. That's why we get along so well! I said "hell" and "shit" once in a job interview. I must have thought I was on a farm or out to sea or on a construction site, instead of in a conference room. Luckily, I still got the job.

The Carsrud's said...

You are by far one of the funniest people I have ever met! Love the story.

Our Family said...

I have been going back in time on your blog... I love Juno, and that is my favorite line! I have said some really great things in church, and should just put a sock in my mouth instead of talking... I think we would get along so great!!! could you imagine the two of us in church?