Monday, January 7, 2008

MegaJohn and Crazy

Dallen loves Transformers. We have officially said goodbye to Thomas (well at least for a little while) we packed up all his trains because they weren't getting played with and Kate would just dump the track pieces every where. So Dallen thinks he's Bumblebee. He has a pair of Transformer sandles that he wears every where outside and when he's inside he wears them on his hands so he can have "tire hands" I will have to get some footage of him turning into a car and turning into bumblebee. It's hilarious.

So awhile back when we we're at the store I bought some bumblebee tuna and Dallen recognized the word "Bumblebee" so he asked "Is that food for me?" and I answered "its for the whole family" He said "No its say's my name on it" "See it say's Bumblebee!"

He also calls MegaTron - "MegaJohn" and so when ever we talk about our friend John Shumway he asks us if we are talking about "MegaJohn"

Kate has picked up so many words. She's a talking maniac. She says the norm stuff like "Mama, Dada, Dal (dallen), Kitty, Dog, Hi, Bye Bye, All Done" She also has some words like "Happy, Apple, Meow" the best one is "crazy" its so cute. I think it's because I always say "You drive me crazy" I am such a horrible mother!


Downs Family said...

Welcome to the world of Transformers!!! I have had to learn how to transform them all with the "constructions" (tyson always says mom here's the constructions to transform him). Love ya Shell

bv said...

You're so crazy cute! From now on you are not allowed to say things like, "I'm such a horrible Mother". I hear any more of that nonsense and I'm sending you boiled peanuts (whatever the heck that is!!) XXOX

bv said...

You are way too stinkin' cute and always make me laugh! I have missed you so dang much and love reading your blog!!!!! NO BOILED PEANUTS FOR YOU!!!!! xxox

bv said... Check this out from a seller's perspective...

John S. Shumway said...

I am MegaJohn...leader of the Autobots.