Friday, January 25, 2008

Things about me

Some Things about Me (So this is from a list that I made about 4 years ago in another online diary... you'll notice some numbers missing... I edited some of them so I don't look too much of a tard)

1. I hate my name. It reminds of "Shirly" or "Sherrie" It sounds old!

2. My #1 wish is to learn to sing.

3. My #2 wish is to have a degree.

4. My #3 wish is to go on a cruise.

5. Chad is 4 years older then me. I always say things like when you went on your first date I just turned 12. He gets weirded out by it.

7. I was the Student Body Secretary in High School. I won over the most "popular" girl.

8. I love to take a bath, read from a book for a little, and then shave my legs. Ultimate Relaxation.

9. I got sent to the principals office in 5th grade for the first time for not getting my art box out fast enough. Seriously that was the reason! I cried the whole time.

10. I was baptized at age 9 by my Grandpa Murdock. My leg came up and I had to be redunked.

11. I loved Girls Camp. My first year during testimony meeting I was crying so hard during my testimony that I threw up. (I was a really dramatic 12 year old)

12. I like Twix candy bars and Diet Cokes.

13. I'm good at Trivial Pursuit.

14. I have a really good memory and really good at names. i.e. Verna and Monica

15. Chad and I got married May 11, 2002 at 4:30pm. I loved the Temple part and hated hated the reception.

16. July 5, 2002 we found out we were having Dallen. Chad was at work and I got a Ptest and wrapped it up with a little bib that said "I love my daddy"

17. Dallen was born 3/8/03 at 1:11am. He was taken out of the room by some Dr's as soon as he was born and Chad ran after them.

18. I love Loft house cookies. The pink kinds! With lots of milk.

19. I really don't like steak. But I do love potatoes.

20. I don't care if my socks match.

21. I was in two plays and one musical in HS.

22. I played the clarinet.

23. I only like sleeping on my sides.

24. My two biggest pet peeves: Scraping fork with teeth & Chewing with mouth open.

25. I was my sisters labor partner and when we first walked into birthing class people thought we were "partners"

26. My favorite Disney movie is Aladdin

27. I love movies... better yet, I love movie sound tracks! (I'm going to ask Heavenly Father if I can put some music to my life video before I watch it) (seriously)

28. When I get to heaven there is a couple of things I want to know... 1. Who killed JFK 2. What happened to the $100 I lost that I won from the monthly drawing at FFI 3. Well there was a third but I forgot.

29. I love watching Sports. I even watch sports if Chad's not around.

30. I want a mini van for my next car (that really sounds weird I'm only 23)

31. I love my mother in law!

34. My biggest number one fear: car accidents (before notorious RS comment)

35. I can not go up high dives... I will not jump off of them and every time I get talked up one. I end up coming straight down.

36. Dallen is the funnest kid in the world and I laugh all day at the cute stuff that he does.

37. I watch my nephew Jaustin, my niece Jasmine, they are 5 and 3! And I love everything about them. They say funny stuff all day long!

38. I watch Dayton 2 and Ellianne 13 months. They are so cute, so well behaved, and they make our home a funner place!

39. I love chocolate covered pretzels.

40. I have my ears pierced but rarely wear earings.

41. I like getting my head shampooed and massaged.

42. I got a 22 on my ACT's

43. I can't believe I forgot this one! I can speak some Russian, say the Russian alphabet, count to ten, and even sing a song in Russian!

44. People even say I look Russian. I don't know if thats a compliment or not.

45. I like genelogy work.

46. I hate folding laundry.

47. My bedroom is messy every other day!

48. I went to Idaho Girls State.

49. My possible degree choices... nurse, teacher, chef.

50. I have never ever had a suprise birthday party or even a birthday party that friends were invited too. I only had family get togethers :(

(2nd Post after I thought some more)
1. I watched a horror movie when I was a kid (House???) and it hand a hand that came up from the toilet, grabbed the persons butt, and sucked them down. For a couple of months later my sister and I would hold hands while the other was going to the bathroom.

2. I got kicked really hard by a mexican kid on my bus in 4th grade. He was wearing cowboy boots and it really hurt.

3. I love Mexican food. But hate Taco Bell.

4. I like Park City. If we had more money I'd move there. It's really pretty and has a small town fill to it.

5. I've been to a Sundance Film and slept through it. It was really stupid.

6. Once we move into a house Chad has promised me a dog. I'm going to name him Jocco.

7. We had a dog named Buff who drank some antifreeze and went retarded and to get to the car my mom and siblings would throw hot dogs out the back door for him to chase.

8. People stayed away from me at school dances during fast songs... I had a little too much energy.

9. I once farted in front of this really hot guy, and he turned around,and said "What The Hell!" and I ran off crying. I was like 20.

(no one needs to know about #10) EVER

11. I sluffed so many classes (in 9th grade)that I almost didn't graduate.

12. I didn't know how to ride a bike until I was 10 years old.

13. My first airplane ride was when Chad and I went to Georgia for a second reception.

14. I don't have a middle name. But in High School I told everyone it was Lucille.

15. I dated a twin in HS and my sister dated the other twin. My sister is married to him now.

16. I like to watch Judge Judy, Texas Court, Judge Joe Brown, and Divorce Court.

17. I have a great grandma still alive.

18. She is Dallen's great great grandma!

19. I like waterparks.

20. I showed steers and hogs in 4-H.

21. I use to leave fingerprint messages on my wall after I saw the movie Seven. Like "A tall man killed me"

22.I love pedicures.

23. My name was going to be Tyler Jeremy if I was a boy.

24. I love to go on hikes.

25. I love camping and ATVing.

26. I don't have any birthmarks.

27. My future kids names: Nathan, Madilynn, Elizabeth, Ryan, Audrey

28. My 5th gr grandpa on my mom's side has his own section in The Doctrine and covenents.

29. My original last name was O'Neil before my 3rd great grandpa on my dad's side killed a man for raping and killing my 3rd gr grandma. It got changed to Long.

30. The genelogy stops on that side at my 3rd gr grandpa and I'd love to do some dective work and figure it out.

31. I had an epidural even though I wanted to go natural.

32. I'm never going to go natural!

33. My favorite dinner is Turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, corn, yams, and stuffing.

34. I use to watch soaps with my mom every day when I was home sick.

35. I went to sixth grade. Didn't go to 7th or 8th (cancer) and they let me enroll in 9th grade. I think thats why I had such a hard time in 9th grade.

36. My lucky number is 18.

37. I'm a sagitarrius.

38. I went on a date with a kid who brought over "George of the Jungle" to watch and he quoted the entire thing.

39. I have a hope chest filled with old love letters and photos from boyfriends.

40. I kissed on of my friends boyfriends in HS and she still won't talk to me. (Its before they even went out. We kissed in 10th grade and he told her about it in 12th when they started going out)

41. I took a pottery class in college and sucked!

42. I took a Shakespeare class in college and did really good.

43. I went to the library every day my senior year at lunch time because I was depressed.

44. My first kiss was during a spin the bottle game with a boy name Barry Webster.

45. I joined the track team just because I liked a boy.

46. I hate tomatoes and mushrooms.

47. I love to curl up in bed and watch Seinfeld with Chad at night.

48. I like to cross stitch.

49. I listen to headphones when I clean sometimes. It makes me go faster.

50. I would like to learn to ballroom dance.


bv said...

I so remember this list! Was that really 4 years ago??? Wow! Um so where are the other 50?! I miss you :( xoxo bv

Lisa K said...

Your 3 wishes are so could have them done in a couple of years. Take out loans and get it over with!

And "who killed JFK" is your first question for HF? What about existence of Bigfoot, Nessie, or UFOs? Much more of a priority than JFK.

also known as shell said...

Lisa yeah who killed JFK is kinda not neccesarry any more. Yeah I'd love to see if Bigfoot is really Cain!

Austin said...

Lee Harvey Oswald. There was nobody on the grassy knoll. We didn't have this conversation.

bv said...

so of course i had to go back and read #10....I think #9 is way worse!!! i'm going to text you to see if your butt is still awake :)

kristen said...

i want to know where jimmy hoffa is...

Downs Family said...

I love your list, I totally remember your pottery class and didn't you have like a scuplting class because I rememeber clay always being on our kitchen table? I love you Shellie (and your name is cute it doesn't sound old) :)

Lindsay said...

You look to be a completely awesome blog friend.
If you start a weight loss blog- let me know, so I can check in on you.
There are a few friends (Fab Kelly and Jennifer T) that are also trying to lose weight.
Good luck, although it doesn't look like you have anything to lose.

The Carsrud's said...

I love you...I miss you! I laughed and cried when I read your blog. It made me miss you so much. I hope you tell me the #10. The best thing about you is that you are so real, you have the best personality ever. Reading your blog was just what I needed today--Such a good laugh!
love you....