Monday, May 19, 2008

Breaking up

I loved you
you were good to me
well except for the time I tried to switch my blog name
and then my old blog name turned into a russian porn site
and people still didn't have the links changed
and they thought I was taking my Russian obsession a little far

I've outgrown blogger. I need more options. I'm sorry baby its time for me to go. Time for me to move on with my blog. so I found wordpress. and I formed a new blog. I'm sorry adventures
*please leave my toothbrush on the tire. bye.

wanna see my new hair color? come check it out here.


make sure to update your link to me. I am now switching my blog over to a .com site

*quote from "The Office" in case you didn't know. Angela said it to Dwight when they broke up. because he killed her cat Sprinkles by stuffing it in the freezer.


Our Family said...

So are you all the way done with your blog? I will get it switched over asap. Are you going to switch your baby also?
What are the benefits of the other? And I like your hair color a lot! Super hot

Jami said...

Just thinking about you for some reason today and your new blog is no longer alive, so I just wanted to send out a big wave across time and space. Hope your life is going beautifully!