Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Too many stories to tell. I'll have to type them all out tomorrow when I have more time.

But here's a little taste for ya'll

-We ate a taveren that was built in the 1700's
-We met Matt Damon's identical twin!!!! And I was very star struck
-I couldn't parellel park for the life of me.
-We were on National TV
-We ate at Lady and Son's
-We almost got murdered at a Flea Market
-We went to the Atlantic Ocean
-We almost got murdered at a gas station.


aaron and allee said...

Sounds like a great time...aside from almost getting murdered twice, I mean!

Shan @ Design Gal said...

I can't wait for stories!!!

Rachel said...

I'm excited to hear more!

eMiLy sLaUgH said...

Sounds like you need to pack some heat when you go to Savannah! Can't wait to hear about it!