Okay I'm going to hold my very first prize giveway.
The Prize
An original Sweet A Designs signature that you can sign off with every post designed by me Shellie with Paint Program.
The Rules
Leave as many comments as you want. the more comments you leave on this post the more cooler that makes you in my mind. the most coolest person in my mind wins.
May the coolest person win!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
It's Prize time!
Posted by
also known as shell
9:28 PM
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Hot dam...excuse me darn! I'm the first!
Oh golly. I need some of those Sweet A Designs. I also want to be the most coolest one in your mind so that I can win.
Here's comment#2. Can you give us a little hint as to who might be in the lead right now for the most coolest spot in your mind?
I love how the coolest person in your mind wins!
It reminds me of a certain Adam Sandler movie...BIG DADDY!
Where the little boy is playing cards with the guys and says "I WIN"
and then the big guy says hey I had the same hand and I didn't win
then he says...
hey kid whats that game called?
and the kid says
I just thought I would let you know what came to my mind when I read those " Shellie Rules"...I LOVE IT!
I have to ay I love reading the random things that pop up on your blog...
Oh and it reminds me of Steel Magnolias...
when Weezer says..I don't know why I don't make the rules!
when she was refering to why she wore overalls, a big hat and grew things in the dirt..
So...what have we learned from this? That Weezer doesn't make the rules...
Ahhh..... But Shellie does.
I am having WAY too much fun with this. I am a dork ...I am leaving now!
bye bye
I don't know if I can beat "vail blog". All I know is that my blog mascot is rad.
I don't really need a signature, but can I qualify for a blog motto?
Or even a blog theme song or jingle would be worth my $1.
Joe wants to know if you'll accept payment in cash instead of paypal. He keeps talking about the value of a dollar, net present value, and other accountant jargon.
you seriously make me laugh
oh and lisa, that is really funny about what joe is saying about the dollar...sounds like something brandon would say.
Shayee, I am not the competitive type but you are cuter than heck!
Ooooooo I so wanna win!
Maybe if I annoy everyone else that leaves comments I'll win
Crap Elly's asking for a snack...the nerve!
Can't she see I'm doing something really important?
Fine I'll leave and tend to her every need...gez!
Peace out!
Sweeeeeeeeeeet! When do I get my check? LOL! Have a great day Shell! XOXO
I once saw an elephant that could make art with its trunk. This is way better than that so here's a comment.
I don't care, I was still the first! Oh, and I'm diggin' your music! I love me some Def Leppard!
I think Tiff wants this more than anyone- but Lisa is close.
Have you ever said to Chad, "Hey honey? How 'bout ya pour some sugar on me?" and then you start this song?
And now you're thinking "Oh no she didn't!"
Yes...yes I just did! After all, I'm hot, stinkin' sweet from my head to my feet (are those the correct lyrics?) LOL
Thank you Def Leppard for inspiring these comments. I think I'll rat my hair real big today in honor of this rockin' music!
How do you have time to blog so much??? I'm impressed. I just can't keep up with reading them on time. So, i'm a big loser. Can I get a prize for the biggest loser who is only leaving one comment on here, but is for sure the coolest bad ass leaving a comment? ha ha. j/k. love ya. you're one hot mama.
Okay, so I'm making two post. I'm not going to pay you to make a signature for me. Sorry, you know I love you without paying you. Reason why I'm posting...LOVE the Def Lepard baby! So hot and sticky sweet!!
I agree with Kate you are way too much to keep up with.... I missed this whole thing!!
But I am still going to leave some comments even though I missed it :)
I guess I am going to have to start checking your blog like every 5 minutes
By the time I write these comments you will probably have more stuff posted on your blog
I am so glad that you don't have that word verification thing b/c that would really suck while I am doing these comments
I think I should still get a prize for coming in last
shellie, you're so so so pretty, and so cool, i want to be just like you :)
comment number 6 is awesome!!
i am running out of things to say
Dang it!! Someone messed up my counting
okay this is the last one your are getting out of me!!
okay everyone 3 hrs left. make them count! I'll be announcing a winner at 3pm e.s.t
and can I say how much I love ya'll for making me laugh.
this is totally cracking me up
I think I just love the fact that any random thought that pops into ones head they leave in the comment box
you have some random friends...
and I am one of them :)
just a thought...
do you ever feel like your kids want to jump back inside you?
or is this just me?
I swear McKinly today cannot get close enough to me...
sh is right up pressing against my belly saying "Mom I want to smuggle you"
as cute as this sounds, it is painful when they are trying to settle...jabbing elbows squishing their little bodies into you.
I can't help but think frick...do you want to jump back in or what?!
I love being a mom...
but it can be painful...and dangerous at times!
I think I am just tired...insomnia I couldn't sleep forever.
ahhh sleep. Makes we wonder what is the earliest I can put this kiddos down for a nap.
very selfish I know but, sleep makes better mommies!
and I am alsready dressed for the occassion...YEP you guessed it. It is 10:30 and I am still in my p.j.'s, hair pulled back, trying as hard as I can to ignore the fact my kids are playing game cube instead of cleaning their rooms... Actually it's pretty easy I am too tired to really put any action behind the words "Let's go clean your rooms" and I think the kids are gettin that vibe too...
especially since I heard Brig say to Kinny..."mom hasn't made us brush our teeth." what did I do when I heard this you ask?
um..nothing because at this very moment I am exhausted and I have decided one morning of not brushing their teeth is not that bad...it's not like they are even going to keep those tiny teeth...right?
the more I type the guiltier I feel. I had better go help them brush their teeth...dang it!
ps if you can't tell I am totally a dork and loving this. it's like when you get your journal out and right whatever pops into your head...
which when I come to think of it my kids will either have LOADS of questions after reading my journals...or it will answer many questions from their childhood:) They will officially know they come from a crazy!
"Mom, little munchkin wants to wash hers mouth."
this is what I get for trying to do the right thing.
a bonus child.... Already helping Brig and Kinny I wasn't looking forward to. But, with Ali in the mix it became SUPER fun!...NOT
I am now STILL in my p.j.'s covered in toothpaste...yep the spitters missed. And to top it all off....
my beautiful never a hair out of place sister in law just stopped by to tell McKinly happy birthday...oh yeah
did I mention that she is also my sister n law that keeps a prestine house...no joke she lysol's the lamps, fams, vents, baseboards, ceilings and walls....WEEKLY!!!!!
and I am NOT exaggerating at all here. So you can imagine the look on her face when she came to my house this morning. Picture this...
Dora Candy Land spread all over my living room. Game cube out with cords, games and all hovered around the T.V., breakfast still on the table ( I was just proud that I has made breakfast and it wasn't cereal!), dishes in the kitchen sink, clothes needing to be washed on top of the washer, and the BEST part of all...toothpaste all over the bathroom. I bet she was cringing when she was in there. Maybe she will stop at the local gas station and go to the bathroom there before she comes over next time...
why is it when I am dresses and have make-up on, they kids are well behaved, the house is spotless and all is well NO ONE will stop by?...
next time we are in that condition I am going to mass email everyone I know and tell them they are free to just pop on by and say hello...then I will be ready with cookies in hand to greet them and show everone...YES I can have a picked up livingroom, my kids don't always aggitate each other, and I do own a tube of mascara!
Is this where I vote for David Archuleta?
David Archuleta
David Archuleta
David Archuleta
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