Monday, March 17, 2008

Boozin it up

Have you ever had a cringe moment? The moment when looking back no matter how many years go by makes you violently cringe just at the thought. I have many many many cringe moments. Some of them include the first dance Chad and I had at our reception (to this day I can't even watch our reception part of the wedding video) And that is all due to the fact that Chad and I were soooo in love... you wouldn't have been able to pry us apart with a crow bar. And we whispered in each other ears, oh and caressed each others faces... barf

So to my family and friends present at that moment. I'm sorry!

But the cringe moment I'm actually going to post about is

My Boozin it Up Prom Picture.

When I was a senior in high school I dated exclusively a kid named Steve. We were going on like 3 years but he had graduated HS the year before. Sharla's parents had told us that since Steve and Evan already graduated we couldn't go to any HS dances with them.

So we went with other guy friends. They asked us... we asked them... And in total Idaho/Utah/Mormon fashion you had to make a big deal with the asking part. So I asked this guy Nate Brown to a dance with some sort of dump truck with attached poem. I can't remember what I said in it but I'm praying that it had nothing to do with taking a dump if he didn't go with me to the dance :)... and if I'm not mistaken I think this was his first dance date. So we go and have a good time. Then comes picture time. Now for some reason the photo set included empty champaign bottles. Which looking back is really weird for a high school dance. So everyone has to come up with some pose and at the last minute I grab a bottle, and put it to my lips. Well that doesn't sound too bad... but then the pictures came back and I was horrifed.

Not only did I have a booze bottle to my lips, but my eyes are half closed and dazed, my mouth was hanging open, and I for some reason had stuck out my stomach. Nate was standing beside me with a sweet but "this girl is crazy" look on his face. I did not want to give them to Nate. In fact I think I held onto his pictures for quite some time but I finally gave them to him. I cringe for two reasons... one for the actual picture. The second for what I imagine what his mother's face looked like when she saw the picture.

And for that: Nate and Nate's mom... I'm Sorry!
Drunk Homer


Jessie said...

do you still have the picture?? because I would love to see it... you are crazy!!

also known as shell said...

Jessie I burned the picture.

Chad said...

That's a story I had never heard before. Wow, cool.

Lisa K said...

You're such a drunkard. Just admit it.

Taylor Anne Vail said...

that is a picture I would have paid to see! I thought your story was freakin' halarious.

bv said...

Your stories always make me giggle. I only wish we were sitting across from each other at the table stuffing our pie holes with whatever sweets we could find because nothing beats your expressions and hand movements when you tell this kind of thing.

I also read Chad's comment and could totally hear him saying the words he wrote!!

Downs Family said...

Shell your blog always makes me laugh you are so dang funny and I really miss our college days all of the sudden. And those pictures of your kids are so cute. Love ya-Mel