Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tag you're it

Lisa my sister in law tagged me...

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 17 and dating Steven Mann. I lived with my best friend Sharla and her family. I raised 4H animals and had braces.

What were you doing 1 year ago?Living with the Kendricks, nannying for Jamie, had a 4 month and 4 year year old. Got hooked on Dance Dance Revolution and American Idol PS2 games.

Five snacks you enjoy

Ice cream, luna protein bars, popcorn, licorice, chips and salsa

5 Things I would do if I was a millionaire

1- Plastic Surgery and Botox. For realsies. What I've got working for me is not going to last for long.
2- Buy new house and new furniture
3- Buy some land so we can start a family compound. David Koresh Style!
4- Travel
5- Buy new clothes

5 Bad Habits

1- I am lazy
2- I stay in my Pjs for most of the day
3- I interupt people
4- I talk to much
5- I don't put the toothpaste cap back on.

5 things you like doing?

1 - Going to movies
2 - Reading
3 - Going on walks/hikes
4 - Getting pedicures/massages
5 - Playing games

5 things you would never wear again

1- Pegged pants
2- Slap bracelet
3- Overalls
4- Fugly maternity clothes
5- Long Denim Skirts

5 Favorite Toys

1- Computer
2- Ipod
3- New Fridge
4- TV
5- Magic bullet

I'm tagging... Britta,Steph,Lela,Jessie,Kate


Lisa K said...

You just bought a new house!

also known as shell said...

Lisa- I mean a new house in Utah

Lisa K said...

Ok, I fully support you in this plan. Does GA have a state lottery? If so, I would highly encourage you to participate so that you can get your million dollars faster.

bv said...

Dear Ms Kendrick, I am contacting you to request additional clarification on your recent commentary. You directly stated that you will never wear fugly maternity clothes again. Does this mean that you are amenable to wearing cute ones? Thank you in advance for your prompt response.

I miss your cute face!!!

Austin said...

Hmmm... Confused. (Opens mouth and raises hand as if to raise a question - only to think twice and look puzzled again.)

You remain a mystery to me.

also known as shell said...

Lisa- yes they do have a state lottery here in GA. Just last week a couple here in GA won 270 millon with a $2 ticket purchase.

Britta- I've worn some fugly maternity clothes in the past. i.e. Overalls for one and Chad's Tshirts for another. When I do wear maternity clothes again I'll make sure I wear neither of those.

Austin- Maybe it was my plastic surgery comment/botox that got you all puzzled. I'm not quite sure but thats just my guess. If I was a millionaire I would invest in plastic surgery... like getting lipo and botox for sure. I've got a major frown line in my fore head that is already making me mad. If thats not the reason you were puzzled let me know.

Taylor Anne Vail said...

What is a magic bullet?

Kate said...

You are so young. I will do my "10 years ago" post and you'll feel sooooo young. :)

Chad said...

Heeeey, my shirts are not fugly.