Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Jaffy Story

2 weeks ago a lady from my last ward called to see if I was available to babysit. When I found out how much she paid I was like "YES" Babysitting here is $5 an hour per kid and thats why the last date Chad and I went on was in June before we moved. So anyway I went to her house where she was having a dinner party and I was just to be there to help out with any needs that the children had.

Her house was beautiful. It was like walking in a story book house made of candy and whipped cream. I coveted everything. Her children were Claire, Max, Daphne and Luke. It was almost like she had a casting call for beautiful blonde chubby cheeked children dressed in Ralph Lauren holiday wear.

So anyway the funny part... The Jaffy Story

So in walked an African American couple (not that I would seperate them out as African American but for the story its important for you to know) and their child who was 3. They introduced themselves to some guests and then said this is our daughter Jaffy. I thought that was a different name but I thought maybe a cultural name like "Shenquah" or something. So I was across the room and went to them and said that I was helping with the children and introduced myself. Then I said to Jaffy to come with me and I'd get her a plate of food. So all night I said her name... kinda loud and proud. Like I was being ultra cool for using such a cultural name or something. "Jaffy you want some juice?" "Jaffy come down stairs we are starting the movie!" I even thought to myself that she might need some special ed if she wasn't involved in a program already because whenever I said her name she just looked around or ran off. Then as they were leaving the mom said really loud "Gaby come get your shoes on!" I was so embarresed.


Lisa K said...

This would only happen to you Shell.

Downs Family said...

I can totally visualize that night and that happening to you. I LOVE Shellie stories, you should write a book about all the funny things that have happened to you. Becca and I even remembered one the other night about the nursing lingerie! I love you Shell have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Austin said...

The first thing I did was check the urban dictionary ( for "Jaffy".

(Breathes big sigh of relief)

Happy Birthday Shellie!

PS It went to voicemail I'll try again shortly!

also known as shell said...

Aust- wow I didn't even think I might have been using a word that was truly insulting... I am sooooo glad it wasn't!

Austin said...

Just teasing silly.

27 years old I can't believe it!

Have a great day!

bv said...

Shellie!!!! The only way that this story would have been better is if we were sitting around the table eating Chocolate Mountain Cake together late at night in our jammies while we dye each others hair! Reading it was like hearing you tell a story and it so made me laugh out loud...twice! I so love you!!!!!! xoxo